Thursday 27 August 2009

She Keeps Bees @ The Sheepwalk, Leytonstone. 5/8/09

Ok. I have to be honest. Up until the day before this show i had no idea there was even a venue in Leytonstone. This is even more of a suprise as it's only 10 minutes away from my house. The venue is not very full, which is hardly a shock as it took major detective skills to even find out where this show was happening in the first place.

Another night brings another New York band my way, but with relatively nothing in common with last night apart from geography. She Keeps Bees are much more of a blues laden affair. The origin of their name comes from the mother of singer Jessica Larrabee commenting on how when her daughters band makes it big, she can use the money to look after her. Hence she will be keeping the Larrabees in their twilight years. Yes, i know you didn't ask.

The show that the duo treat us to is short but sweet. Their latest release, Nests, comes in at under 30 minutes, so i suppose it's to be expected. Jessica makes the best she can of the rather sorry looking P.A. system to hit us with some raw steamy blues vocals and riffs, whilst drummer Andy keeps a solid backing to procedings. There is an energy and raw emotion to their performance which has, for me, not really been captured on their recorded work to date. It seems the more sparse the track, the higher the intensity. Minimal but beautiful.

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