Thursday 10 September 2009

The National @ The Royal Festival Hall, London. 10/8/09

Finally, the arrival of one of my most anticipated shows of the year. My want for attendance was so strong that I purchased Southbank Centre membership to ensure ticket success. This certainly hasn’t always been the case. The first few times that I witnessed them live were fairly humdrum affairs, with singer Matt Berninger almost statuesque at the microphone stand, surrounded by a band that were going through the motions. All this changed last year, with Matt finally coming alive on stage. He had discovered how to let loose, how to move around the stage and also how to crowdsurf. He had discovered Wine (and the copious consumption of it whilst performing). This led to some electric performances last summer and the reasoning behind my rather lofty expectations of tonights show.

The band amble on stage to some rapturous applause and kick off the set with “Runaway”, a rather slow paced but emotionally moving new number, before heading off into more familiar territory. An audience member yells out for them to play the hits. “These are the hits”, deadpans Matt and the crowd are lapping them up. Nearly everyone is out of their seats and swaying along to the beautiful intensity flooding out from the stage. The Dessner brothers are leading the sonic charge with melodic distortion resonating from their guitar amps. The band finish the main set with a blistering rendition of Fake Empire before the obligatory 5 minute vanishing act that is the precursor to any encore. Matt is even more animated for this section. First he knocks over an ice bucket before sliding around on the cubes like Bambi. The next thing you know he’s halfway to the back of the stalls belting out “Mr November” (That is one long microphone lead he has). The night draws to a close with “About Today” and a riot of applause from a very grateful and appreciative crowd. High expectations exceeded.

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